Alternate Learning and Mentorship Programme (ALMP) for ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Government of Odisha

Alternate Learning and Mentorship Programme (ALMP).


  • Tribal parents are unprepared for home schooling due to limited knowledge and resources
  • SC/ST students miss out on the positive environment of a classroom, where they connect with mentors and peers
  • The prolonged school closures raise concerns over increased dropout rates
  • Majority of the ST/SC students risk forgetting basic educational foundations such as numeracy and alphabets


  • Utilised digital mediums to deliver pre-designed lesson plans
  • Extended psycho-emotional support to ST/SC students to compensate for the lack of classroom interaction
  • Ensured sustained student participation through active engagement with parents and communities
  • Developed age-appropriate learning materials for Classes I to VIII


  • Successfully kept 2.5 lakh ST/SC students connected to the learning process
  • Fostered a healthier student-teacher-community relationship
  • Addressed immediate educational and emotional needs of vulnerable students

Project Details

Category: Continuing Education during Covid
Project: Alternate Learning and Mentorship Programme (ALMP)
Organisation: ST & SC Development, Minorities & Backward Classes Welfare Department, Khorda, Government of Odisha
Start Date: 15-May-2020


The COVID-19 pandemic posed severe challenges to education, especially for tribal and backward class students in Odisha. These students lost their regular schooling routine, disconnecting them from their mentors, teachers, and peers. With extended school closures, there was a looming threat of increased dropout rates and a significant decline in foundational educational skills. The challenge was exacerbated as most tribal parents were ill-equipped to facilitate home schooling.


Addressing the pandemic-induced educational crisis, the government devised the ALMP. This program aimed at delivering education to the doorstep of tribal students. It involved leveraging digital platforms and mobilizing mentor-teachers to tribal habitats, ensuring students remained connected to the learning process. The State Resource Group (SRG) was pivotal in assembling resources, planning, and uploading content. Additionally, the solutions emphasized community engagement and support to sustain participation and address the psycho-emotional needs of the students.


The ALMP redefined educational delivery for tribal students amidst the pandemic. By reaching out directly to the habitats of these students and offering both digital and in-person learning, the initiative ensured that a substantial number of students stayed engaged. The program’s innovative strategies not only facilitated learning but also nurtured the bonds between students, teachers, and the community at large. The initiative’s success was evident as it was able to connect and support a significant number of students across the state. The Odisha Government’s proactive approach during the COVID-19 crisis was commendable. 

By introducing ALMP, they addressed the pressing educational challenges faced by tribal students, ensuring they weren’t left behind. Through a blend of digital platforms and physical teacher mobilization, the program showcased adaptability and resilience in the face of an unprecedented crisis. The initiative, which began in May 2020, reached out to 300,000 students across Odisha’s 30 districts. Its success suggests that such models can be considered by other states and nations, especially when catering to vulnerable populations during crises.



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