Collection and Disposal of Tendu Patta by Uttar Pradesh Forest Corporation, Government of Uttar Pradesh

Collection and disposal of Tendu Patta has provided direct livelihood and removed middleman in the process.


  • Anomalies in Payment: Direct and fair compensation to the local and tribal labourers engaged in tendu leaf collection had long been a pressing issue
  • Exploitation was rampant as the contractors did not provide them with their full dues
  • Storage and Sale Issues: The prolonged storage of tendu leaves led to losses
  • It was further compounded by the inefficiencies in the sale and transport process


  • Direct Digital Payments: The introduction of a digital payment system ensured direct fund transfers to the labourers, eliminating the role of middlemen
  • Advanced Sales and Timely Transportation: A strategy for the advance sale of tendu patta was implemented, along with timely transportation to mitigate losses due to prolonged storage
  • ERP Module Introduction: An ERP module was launched for streamlined data entry and efficient tendu leaf sales


  • Empowerment of Tribal Communities: The new system provided both livelihood and timely payments directly to the bank accounts of thousands of tribal individuals
  • Elimination of Middlemen: The digital payment system eradicated the role of contractors and middlemen in the tendu leaf collection process
  • Efficient Operations: The advance sale system, combined with the ERP module, ensured minimal losses and maximised the safety of the tendu leaves

Project Details

Category: Forest management and resource utilization
Project: Collection and disposal of Tendu Patta
Organisation: Uttar Pradesh Forest Corporation
Start Date: 01-Apr-1983


The collection and disposal system of tendu leaves by the Uttar Pradesh Forest Corporation was plagued with challenges. For about 40 years, the system witnessed widespread exploitation of the local and tribal communities by contractors. There were consistent issues with delayed or unfair payments. Furthermore, inefficiencies in the sale, transport, and prolonged storage of the leaves escalated the losses.


To tackle the long-standing issues, a comprehensive approach was adopted. The introduction of a digital payment system was a significant leap, ensuring the direct transfer of funds to the bank accounts of the labourers and sidestepping the exploitative middlemen. Additionally, an advance sale strategy was employed, bolstered by timely transportation measures to cut down storage-related losses. The entire process was further streamlined with the introduction of an ERP module, allowing efficient data entry and sales procedures.


The results of the implemented solutions were transformative. Thousands of tribal and local community members found a renewed sense of empowerment, not only through the provision of livelihood but also through direct and timely payments. The age-old menace of middlemen was eliminated, paving the way for a transparent and efficient operational process. With the amalgamation of the advance sale system and the ERP module, operations saw an unprecedented efficiency, dramatically reducing losses and ensuring the safety and optimal value of the tendu leaves.



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