Gifting Sight to the Tribes of Kota, Shine India Foundation, Kota, Rajasthan

Gifting Sight to the Tribes of Kota, Shine India Foundation, Kota, Rajasthan


  • Resistance towards eye or body donation
  • Midst loss, broaching the subject of organ donation is sensitive
  • Reluctance to donate stems from a lack of awareness
  • 24/7 operation due to unpredictable nature and location of death
  • Legal hurdles


  • Invest time in the communities
  • Awareness campaigns and open dialogues with stakeholders
  • Proper training of staff in soft skills
  • Engaging with the community and interactive learning process
  • Pioneered the concept of eye and organ-donation-themed marriages


  • Collection of eyes within a 200-km radius
  • Restored sight of over 17,000 people
  • Readiness of the people towards social cause
  • Eye donation is now considered an act of generosity
  • Benefit to medical colleges for learning
  • Next, skin and organ donation are on the cards

Project Details

Category: Community Service
Project: Gifting Sight to the Tribes of Kota
Organisation: Shine India Foundation, Kota, Rajasthan
Start Date: 2011

Shine India Foundation stands as beacon of hope in the heart of Kota, Rajasthan, tirelessly addressing the pervasive issue of blindness within a 200-kilometer radius. With dedicated efforts, it has successfully transformed the lives of 17,000 individuals, granting them the gift of sight. 

Its dedication to inclusivity and social justice is evident in its provision of free cataract surgeries to marginalised tribal groups. By bridging the gap in healthcare accessibility, the foundation affirms its belief that everyone deserves the right to vision and well-being, empowering individuals to fully participate in life’s opportunities.


It was a difficult task to start with. The biggest challenge was the social resistance and reluctance to allow body to be touched post death. Cultural beliefs and taboos surrounding death and the body further complicated the matter and made it difficult to have a conversation with the next of kin. 

Another problem was to operate 24/7 due to the unpredictable nature of death. This often required travelling substantial distances to honour the wishes of the deceased and their families. In addition to the emotional and logistical hurdles, the legal and ethical dimensions of post-mortem organ and body donation demanded meticulous attention. Adhering to stringent regulations while respecting the dignity and autonomy of the deceased requires a delicate balance.


Shine India invests in ongoing training for our staff to navigate this complex landscape, ensuring that every donation is conducted ethically, transparently and in full compliance with legal frameworks.

This accomplishment is not just a numerical triumph but a testament to the efficacy of its inventive awareness programs. One such initiative involves monthly workshops and camps

conducted in schools, on the streets and even at weddings. Recognising the diverse spaces where people gather, it has strategically positioned its campaigns to reach every corner of the community.

To make the learning process engaging and interactive, it innovatively introduced an eye and organ donation-themed Snake and Ladder game. This game transcended the conventional methods of awareness, turning education into an enjoyable experience. Participants not only navigated the board but also absorbed crucial information about donation, transforming a simple pastime into a platform for life-changing understanding.


The success of these initiatives lies not only in their creativity but also in their adaptability to diverse audiences. The foundation recognised that a one-size-fits-all approach is insufficient in a community as diverse as Kota. Therefore, it tailored its programmes to suit the unique context of schools, public spaces and even weddings. 

As its initiatives gained traction and its programmes unfolded, the post-deployment phase ushered in a profound shift—a metamorphosis in the healthcare landscape of the communities it served. Through targeted campaigns, educational workshops and community engagement, it managed to dismantle barriers, fostering a culture where eye donation became not just acceptable but also celebrated as an act of generosity. Families, once hesitant, now embraced the opportunity to gift sight to others, transforming the lives of the recipient. 

This initiative has transformed the lives of 17,000 individuals regaining the precious gift of sight through its concerted efforts. 

This initiative has also played a crucial role in advancing the knowledge and skills of future doctors, ensuring that they are equipped to tackle the complex challenges of healthcare.

Through its multifaceted approach, the foundation strives not only to alleviate immediate suffering but also to empower the medical community with the tools and experiences necessary to create lasting change. 

Shine India Foundation is on the brink of launching a ground breaking skin donation initiative for burn and acid attack survivors, aligning with its overarching mission of holistic healing and community empowerment.


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