Library Promotion Activities in Primary and Upper Primary Schools – ST & SC Development Department, Government of Odisha

Enhancing Education Through Innovative Library Activities in Gajapati, Odisha.


  • High dropout rates among Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Caste students
  • Limited reading, writing, and speaking skills
  • Pronunciation and accent disparities in tribal students
  • Reliance on traditional teaching methods


  • Creation of colourful and engaging libraries
  • Introduction of comprehensive activities targeting reading, writing, and speaking skills
  • Age-specific library activities
  • Deployment of trained teachers for guided learning


  • Remarkable improvement in student retention in residential schools
  • Enhanced teaching methodologies leading to improved teacher performance
  • Transformation of teaching-learning processes, making them more interactive and enjoyable
  • Higher student engagement in library activities

Project Details

Category: Creating Infrastructure for Learning
Project: Library Promotion Activities in Primary and Upper Primary Schools
Organisation: ST & SC Development Department, Government of Odisha
Start Date:  01-Apr-2022


Students from the Scheduled Tribe and Scheduled Caste backgrounds in Gajapati, Odisha, grappled with significant educational challenges. High dropout rates were rampant due to lack of engagement and limited foundational skills in reading, writing, and speaking. Tribal students, in particular, faced pronunciation and accent barriers, hindering uniform learning. The prevailing reliance on outdated teaching methods further exacerbated these issues.


The district administration adopted an innovative approach to address these concerns by transforming traditional libraries into vibrant, student-friendly learning spaces. These spaces were designed to pique and sustain student interest, fostering a love for reading. A series of meticulously curated age-specific activities focusing on reading, writing, and speaking were introduced. These activities, led by trained teachers, ensured that students experienced holistic and interactive learning.


Post implementation of the innovative solutions, the results were overwhelmingly positive. Student retention in residential schools touched an impressive 99% mark. The transformed libraries and activity-centric learning led to heightened teacher efficiency and enriched student engagement. The new interactive and joyful learning environment marked a significant shift from previous methods, with students now actively spending their leisure time exploring books and participating in educational activities in the libraries.



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