Livelihood strengthening of a Rural Tribal Farmer, Soil Conservation and Watershed Department, Government of Odisha

Strengthening of livelihood by providing market linkages to rural tribal farmers.


  • Eradication of Migration to other states in search of jobs
  • Strengthening the livelihood of poor rural tribal farmers
  • Augmentation in income sources for a smoother lifestyle
  • Motivation for the agriculture sector by adopting modern technologies


  • Excavation of cluster farm ponds under the MGNREGS scheme in tribal-dominated hilly areas to tackle water scarcity
  • Awareness creation among farm pond beneficiaries for adopting Integrated Farming Practices for income augmentation
  • Market linkage of farm produces such as vegetables, fish, chicken, ducks, and others


  • Strengthened livelihoods of poor tribal farmers
  • Increased and diversified income sources
  • Reduced migration of farmers to other states in search of jobs
  • Greater interest in agricultural activities through the adoption of modern farming practices
  • Convergence of different schemes of various departments for a holistic approach

Project Details

Category: Rural Development and Sustainable Agriculture
Project: Strengthening of Livelihood of a Rural Tribal farmer
Organisation: Soil Conservation and Watershed Department, Odisha
Start Date: 13-May-2020


In the rural tribal areas of Gumma Block Gajapati, farmers faced the dilemma of migrating to other states in search of employment. Their livelihoods were unstable, and their income was not sufficient for a decent lifestyle. Despite having fertile lands, they struggled due to water scarcity and a lack of modern agricultural technologies. The need for sustainable solutions to these problems was apparent.


The Soil Conservation and Watershed Department of the Odisha government initiated the excavation of cluster farm ponds in tribal-dominated hilly terrains. This project, under the MGNREGS scheme, aimed to store rainwater for year-round agricultural activities, thereby addressing the long-standing water scarcity issue. With the availability of water, farmers were encouraged to adopt Integrated Farming Practices to diversify their income sources.

To ensure success, the department converged various schemes across departments and established market linkages to sell farm produce, offering a comprehensive solution to the farmers’ predicaments.


The initiative has shown transformative outcomes for the tribal farmers of Gumma Block. With the newly excavated farm ponds, farmers could cultivate vegetables throughout the year, boosting their annual income from a mere Rs 1,500/- to approximately Rs 80,000/- to Rs 90,000/-. The availability of water and the adoption of Integrated Farming Systems led to an increase in farm produce sales, including fish, ducks, and poultry. The success of this project has set a precedent, inspiring around 200 other farmers in the region to excavate farm ponds in the last two years. The combined effect of all these efforts has notably reduced migration rates and has instilled hope and self-reliance among the tribal farming community.



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