Project Shabbas Guruji Transforms Teaching and Learning in Dhule, Maharashtra

Project Shabbas Guruji Transforms Teaching and Learning in Dhule, Maharashtra

Project Details

Category: Education
Project: Project Shabbas Guruji Transforms Teaching and Learning in Dhule, Maharashtra
Organisation: Zilla Parishad, Dhule
Start Date: February 2023

In a pursuit of educational excellence, the Tribal Development Department at Zilla Parishad, Dhule, under the leadership of CEO Shubham Gupta, initiated “Project Shabbas Guruji – Quality Assurance and Standards” to address several challenges plaguing the district’s education landscape.


  • Teachers lacked experience in innovative activities.
  • Limited opportunities for innovation among teachers at the district level.
  • Absence of a district-level platform for counseling.
  • Lack of stakeholder engagement.
  • Limited access to educational resources and inadequate planning.
  • Insufficient support from local communities.


  • Launch of Project Shabbas Guruji: A comprehensive initiative aimed at transforming the teaching and learning environment.
  • Enhancing Teachers’ Abilities: Providing tools and training for teachers to make informed decisions and introducing innovative teaching methods.
  • Reskilling Teachers: Offering professional development opportunities to enhance teaching skills.
  • Counseling Students: Emphasising the virtues of competition and economic growth, guiding students on their educational journey.
  • Promoting Critical Thinking: Fostering critical thinking and problem-solving skills among both teachers and students.
  • Cultural Re-orientation: Encouraging appreciation of diversity and understanding through a cultural shift.


  • Teachers adopting innovative teaching methods.
  • Increased adaptability among students.
  • Rise in student attendance across all blocks of the district.
  • Decrease in the number of migrating students within the district.
  • Increased retention and inward migration from other schools.

Project Philosophy

The primary objective of Project Shabbas Guruji is to prevent student migration, enhance attendance and improve the overall quality of students by motivating teachers. The project focuses on fostering critical thinking, creativity and a lifelong love for learning, preparing individuals for challenges and opportunities.


  • Monthly Sessions: Shabbas Guruji sessions are conducted on the last Saturday of every month.
  • Teacher Selection: The methodology involves selecting two active and ten less motivated teachers from each of the four blocks, totaling 10 active and 40 less motivated teachers initially.
  • Block Education Officers: Instrumental in creating innovative content, including PPTs on initiatives, processes, and activities.
  • YouTube Channel ‘Shabas Guruji’: Utilised to showcase and promote innovative initiatives, creating awareness and facilitating learning for others.

Project Shabbas Guruji is a transformative initiative that believes in the power of education to reduce poverty, foster social and economic development and create a more equitable society.


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