Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Balangir District, Government of Odisha

Proactive approach of the Mission has yielded impressive results in the District.


  • Migration & Economic Disparity: Balangir district was a major migration hub due to imbalanced land distribution, resource degradation, and extreme poverty among landless and marginal farmers
  • Environmental Challenges: Over 60% (205,813 Ha out of 345,475 ha) of land was reliant on rain, with frequent droughts in 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015, and 2017
  • Declining Millet Cultivation: Once a primary crop, millets had seen reduced cultivation due to a shift in policy focus


  • Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) Inception: Initiated in 2017-18, the mission focused on bolstering millet consumption, streamlining post-harvest processes, and supporting millet marketing through Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs)
  • The government, with NGOs and other stakeholders, orchestrated awareness campaigns, food festivals, and capacity-building programs to re-establish millets’ importance
  • In collaboration with women self-help groups and FPOs, 26 post-harvest enterprises, 52 processing enterprises, and 5 value addition enterprises, such as Millets Shakti Tiffin Centers, were developed


  • Rising Millet Production: Since OMM’s 2018 implementation, millet yield surged from 3.7 quintals per ha to 8.06 quintals per ha, benefiting 5,335 farmers across 2,683 ha
  • Economic Upswing: Procurement amplified from 2,056 quintals in 2019 to 21,029 quintals in 2022, leading to an influx of Rs. 75,8 cr in the district
  • Traditional Crop’s Resurgence: Balangir saw a renaissance of millets in farming and consumption, with new enterprises championing the millet cause and ensuring its widespread prominence.

Project Details

Category: Agriculture and Rural development
Project: Promotion of Millets in Tribal Areas of Balangir District
Organisation: District Administration Balangir, Odisha
Start Date: 20-Jun-2018


Balangir district in Western Odisha historically faced economic and agricultural challenges, with migration prompted by unequal land distribution, frequent droughts, and poverty. While millets, needing little water and being nutrition-packed, had been a staple crop, their cultivation had waned due to changing policy priorities.


To counter these challenges, the Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) was introduced with multi- dimensional strategies. Through a blend of awareness programs and infrastructural developments, the mission aimed to reinstate millets’ significance in farming and diets. Collaborative efforts, including training, festivals, and the creation of various millet-centered enterprises, further fortified the initiative’s success prospects.


The proactive approach of the Odisha Millets Mission yielded impressive results in Balangir district. Millet cultivation witnessed a remarkable rise, showcasing the effectiveness of the mission’s interventions. Furthermore, the economic benefits were substantial, with increased procurement and substantial financial inflows into the district. The resurgence of this traditional crop not only reinstated its agricultural importance but also reshaped perceptions, ensuring that millets once again held a prominent place on the plates and in the hearts of the people of Balangir. This turnaround story signifies the transformative
power of well-strategised community-driven initiatives, providing a blueprint for similar interventions in other regions.



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