Swasthyakarmi Yojana by the Tribal Area Development Department, Government of Rajasthan

Swasthyakarmi Yojana


  • Healthcare Accessibility Issues: Tribal areas faced difficulties accessing health facilities due to their remoteness
  • Prevalence of Tuberculosis: High incidence of TB without effective monitoring and care mechanisms
  • Inefficient Healthcare System: The healthcare system was challenged with competing priorities and lacked focus on TB care


  • Swasthya Karmi Scheme: Implemented by the Tribal Area Development Department via the SWACH Project
  • Application of DOTS Technique: SWACH-TAD adopted the DOTS method for effective TB treatment
  • Incorporation of Swasthyakarmi Women: Women from the tribal areas, familiar with the community’s needs, were trained and incorporated into the healthcare system


  • The SWACH-TAD collaboration has been key to improving primary health and welfare since 1996-97
  • The programme now serves about 70 lakh people with 4,328 Swasthyakarmi working across different villages
  • During the recent year, 6,133 TB patients underwent treatment, with 4,552 successfully completing it
  • The initiative provided livelihood opportunities for over 4,000 Swasthyakarmi

Project Details

Category: Improving Health through Sanitation
Project: Swasthyakarmi Yojana
Organisation: Tribal Area Development Department, Udaipur, Government of Rajasthan
Start Date:  01-Jan-1996


The tribal regions of Rajasthan, despite their significant population, faced substantial healthcare challenges. Essential health facilities were not readily accessible due to the remote nature of these areas. Moreover, the prevalence of Tuberculosis, a critical health concern in these regions, was inadequately addressed. The existing system had difficulties prioritising health concerns, particularly Tuberculosis, leading to an overall lack of focus and urgency in healthcare provision.


To address the identified challenges, the Tribal Area Development Department initiated the Swasthya Karmi scheme, operationalised through the SWACH Project. Central to this solution was the implementation of the Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course (DOTS) technique, a globally recognized strategy to combat TB. Moreover, recognising the importance of community involvement, women from the tribal areas, familiar with local contexts and needs, were trained and inducted as healthcare workers under the Swasthya Karmi Yojana. These women, armed with knowledge and resources, were responsible for identifying potential TB patients, ensuring they received proper treatment, and providing a comprehensive healthcare approach, including nutritional guidance.


The outcomes of the Swasthyakarmi Yojana have been both extensive and impactful. Since its initiation in 1996, the collaboration between SWACH and TAD has focused on improving the health and welfare of tribal families. This has culminated in a program that currently serves approximately 70 lakh individuals. Notably, with the dedication of 4,328 Swasthyakarmi spread across different villages, the scheme has made substantial strides in TB care. In just one year, 6,133 TB patients underwent treatment, with 4,552 successfully completing their treatment regimen. Beyond the health benefits, the initiative also contributed to the empowerment and employment of thousands of Swasthyakarmi, offering them a stable livelihood and a platform to make significant changes in their communities.



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