Yatharth Meena – From Kota in Rajasthan to pursuing MBA at Delhi University

Yatharth Meena

Kota District, Rajasthan

MBA – Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi University

Project Details

Category: National Fellowship for Scheduled Tribes (NFST)
Organisation: Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India

Yatharth Meena’s journey from Kota, Rajasthan, to the Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) at Delhi University is a remarkable example of how determination, education and government support can shape a bright future. This case study explores Yatharth’s inspiring journey and highlights the pivotal role played by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs in his pursuit of an MBA.


Born and raised in Kota, Yatharth completed his high school education in his hometown before embarking on a journey of higher learning at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay, where he pursued engineering. His family consists of a single mother who is a homemaker and also works in the agriculture sector, along with Yatharth’s younger sister and brother.

Ministry of Tribal Affairs Scholarship

Yatharth’s single-parent family faced financial challenges in supporting three children’s college education and fees. The Ministry of Tribal Affairs scholarship came to Yatharth’s rescue, covering his entire tuition fees and providing essential resources like a laptop and academic books. This financial support allowed Yatharth to concentrate solely on his education, culminating in his remarkable achievement of being in the top 5% of his class in the last semester.

Academic and Career Aspirations

Without the scholarship, Yatharth might have pursued a safer route, preparing for government examinations with less financial burden on his family. However, the scholarship enabled him to follow his passion for a career in management consulting. He envisions himself working in this field after completing his MBA.

Benefits and Gratitude

The Ministry of Tribal Affairs scholarship not only covered Yatharth’s college tuition but also supported various expenses, including hostel fees. This comprehensive support allowed him to focus on his studies and relieved financial worries associated with higher education.

Yatharth Meena’s journey from Kota, Rajasthan, to FMS Delhi is a shining example of how government scholarships, like those provided by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs, can transform lives and open doors to higher education and career opportunities. His dedication to achieving his dreams and giving back to his family and community is commendable.

Yatharth’s story underscores the importance of creating awareness about such scholarships to ensure that more deserving students can benefit from them. The Ministry’s support has not only alleviated financial burdens but has also provided Yatharth with the means to pursue his MBA dreams and position himself for a successful career. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and government initiatives aimed at empowering talented individuals from tribal backgrounds.

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