Press Release


Eklavya Model Residential School teacher Shri Sidharth Yonzone conferred National Teachers Award - 2022 by the President of India today
“It is a proud moment for Ministry of Tribal Affairs to witness a tribal school teacher of EMRS emerging as a national awardee: Shri Arjun Munda
5th September 2022
Ministry of Tribal Affairs is implementing ‘Pradhan Mantri Adi Adarsh Gram Yojna’ to achieve integrated socio-economic development of tribal population8th August 2022
NESTS, Ministry of Tribal Affairs and CBSE launched second batch of Experiential Learning for 21st Century Programme for EMRS school principals and teachers in collaboration with TATA trusts, TISS and MGIS
The 8-week professional development training programme targets to include 300 teachers from EMRSs
3rd August 2022
Ministry of Tribal Affairs implements various schemes for development of Scheduled Tribe dominated areas27th July 2022
Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) initiated several projects to enhance digital connectivity of students of tribal communities
27th July 2022
There have been considerable improvements in living conditions of the Scheduled Tribes (STs) over the years in the country
Government is implementing Tribal Sub-Plan (TSP)/Schedule Tribe Component (STC)/Development Action Plan for STs (DAPST) for overall development of tribal people across the country
25th July 2022
The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006 has resulted in enhancing the income basket of the beneficiaries20th July 2022
Shri Amit Shah Minister inaugurates the National Tribal Research Institute in New Delhi today7th June 2022
Fellowship sponsored by Tribal Affairs Ministry helps Aayushi Lyngwa from Mizoram to achieve new heights
The scholarship cell at the Ministry of Tribal Affairs has made accessibility to scholarships easier for aspiring scholars: Aayushi Lyngwa
3rd June 2022
National Fellowship and Scholarship for Higher Education of ST Students(NFST) by Tribal Affairs Ministry helps Lobeno Mozhui of Nagaland complete her difficult field surveys for a PhD successfully
The Ministry of Tribal Affairs extends invaluable support to research scholars in completing their research activities through NFST and other fellowship platforms: Dr Lobeno Mozhui
5th June 2022
An amount of Rs 1.4 lakh cr was allocated for welfare of Scheduled Tribes (STs) by Central Ministries/Departments in the Union Budget from 2018-19 to 2020-21 : Shri Arjun Munda30th March 2022
Ministry of Tribal Affairs takes several steps to create awareness among the tribal people about their rights  under FRA , 200628th March 2022
Aadi Bazaar – A Celebration of the spirit of Tribal culture and cuisine inaugurated at Kevadia, Statue of Unity in Narmada district of Gujarat27th March 2022
Ministry of Tribal Affairs revamps the schemes for comprehensive development of Tribals21st March 2022
Ministry of Tribal Affairs took Proactive measures to alleviate adverse effects of Covid -19 on the Tribal Community14th March 2022
On the momentous occasion of International Women’s Day, TRIFED recognizes achievements of 75 tribal women in the field of livelihood generation08th March 2022
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