Frequently Asked Questions

The Digital Knowledge Repository of Best Practices in Tribal Affairs is an online documentation of the efforts of different Government entities – NGOs / CoEs / TRIs / EMRSs / Ashram School / SHGs / ITDAs / Individuals and others in the tribal realm. The effort is conducted by the Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA). The detailed information can be obtained from

Any  Government entity at the Centre, State and Local (Municipal/Panchayat) level / NGOs / EMRS / SHGs / ITDAs / TRIs / NGOs / Individuals and other who have implemented innovative solutions to empower Tribal citizens/communities.

The entire process to apply for participation is online at The nominees while applying do not require to send any signed copies of the nomination form. Additional documents in support of their nominations can also be uploaded online.

All entities applying to participate in the Digital Knowledge Repository have to follow the prescribed format and do not require any authorisation. It is mandatory to provide the name of the Respondent, Head of the Department and the Recipient Name (in case the project is shortlisted documentation and publishing). Only the individuals applying for this, require their nomination to be recommended by the organisation.

An initiative can be nominated in multiple categories, if eligible. Or multiple initiatives can be submitted in one category, if applicable. 

Nominations for participation in Digital Knowledge Repository can be submitted online at, from 1 March 2023. The last date for submission is 15 April 2023.

It is not mandatory, but recommendatory. Exhibition, however, is an integral part of the process. We will create the exhibition page, share the link with you and open it for voting process.

Exhibition is an important part of the process not only because it provides an opportunity for you to showcase your work in the presence of thought leaders from the industry, stakeholders and the wider ecosystem but also because it provides an opportunity for others to see your work live and vote on the spot, which carries a 10% weightage in the process for evaluation. 

Participation in exhibition doesn’t influence any decision. It can, however, provide precious marks, which often make the difference between a winner and a loser. Exhibition participation provides another unmatched opportunity to learn from the best practices in your domain. Nothing delivers on sharing best practices better than exhibition.

We believe that learning from the peers from a similar or dissimilar domain and from the best is extremely critical for all. We encourage all participants not only to sit through presentations of their counterparts but also participate in discussion and Q&A. It provides an unmatched opportunity for everyone to share and learn from best practices. A multi-stage, most rigorous and transparent methodology is followed for assessment, which spans nearly 6 months.

We take such issues seriously and with utmost concern. A detailed editorial investigation is conducted and a report is submitted to the expert Jury before they make their final decision. Any complaint about a potential nomination/nominee can be emailed at knowledge-tribal[at]tribal[dot]gov[dot]in alongwith supporting documents. Anonymous complaints are not entertained.

These are evaluation based and decided through a process using the evidence available at the time. All decisions are final.

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